Spiderseye's Blog

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Not a good move !

Now thats sensible packaging !

Does anyone else have problems with the new soap powder boxes ? I hate them !  Whatever happened to the good old DAZ and OMO style boxes ? A quick push of the thumb into the top left side and bingo….instant access to the product. Keep it facing “full frontal” and it’s all ready to grab, right handed and ready for use.  Not so today !

We have these infuriating pull tabs that stretch around three sides of the box (except they don’t always, do they?) and when they don’t, you’re left picking at the perferation trying to pickup where the damned thing broke. Once removed, the pull tab reveals a yawning, toothless grin…..a wide mouth in the box that can, on occassion, vomit its contents to my laundry floor without anything but the gentlest of handling !

And, when shaking these boxes, at the very end, to get that last bit of powder out, how many of you, like me, have ended up with a snow storm of powder in the wrong direction when the trapped bits under the bottom flaps make their frantic flight for freedom ?  It didn’t matter with the old boxes, you could bang or shake all the remaining powder together before tipping it out.  Thats not an option with the new boxes and I haven’t even mentioned that dreaded plastic scoop !!!

Grrrr…..too much plastic in my life already.  Whatever possessed the industry to move to this stupid packaging is beyond me !